Au Revior Texas!
We are saying “Goodbye” to our current home with Tom’s folks in Keller, Texas this week and looking at our final stateside move before we head to France! Woot! The time here with close family and new friends has been sweet and also a welcomed rest with grandparents to help with the our rambunctious boys.
Bonjour Nashville!
We are excited to be moving back to our “hometown” of Nashville, Tennessee! It is the city where we went to University, where Tom and I got married, and where the twins were born—needless to say, it is a very special place for us. Not only are there some tremendous memories and familiarity with the city, it is a place where we have some roots! If you are a Nashvillian friend and would like to get together, please let us know!
Partnership Update
We are thrilled to have more people joining us in ministry to France this month! Thank you so much to those of you who have already begun to partner with us financially. We are approaching 20% committed of our monthly funds! We have been meeting frequently with people over the past few months via Skype or Facetime and it has been great to reconnect and see your faces! We were blessed by the opportunity to lead worship and speak briefly about what God is doing in France to our church in Texas, Vineyard of Grace, a couple weeks ago. When we move to Nashville, we are going to be engaging a great deal with The Gate Community Church, with whom we have a long standing relationship. Additionally we have a widespread network of friends and churches in the middle Tennessee area. We are looking forward to engaging in person in this part of the US over the coming months as we work towards our goal to be fully funded by the end of 2016.
Prayer is Urgent
- In the city of Angers, where we will be located, there are currently only seven protestant churches for a population of 500,000. Less than one quarter of one percent of the population is an active member in one of the seven churches, that is one for every 1,250 people! Pray that God’s light would shine through these people who are currently living for Jesus in this city!
- Tom is approaching the halfway point in his final semester of seminary and it is a very heavy course load. Pray for endurance and peace for him as he continues his studies.
- We are moving in two days! (March 10 and 11) and getting settled in our new home the week following. Please pray for our family, for safety in our travels and moments of rest in the midst of a big transition.
We are so grateful for you and want thank you for all your support! We look forward to seeing all the amazing things God is going to do over the next few months.
Love and Grace and Peace to you all,
The Appels