Dear Family and Friends,
Last thursday marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and it was a big deal here in Normandie! Sitting on our back patio, we watched WWII era planes fly low over our house and listened to the sound of bagpipes drifting up from Pegasus Bridge, the very first spot liberated the midnight before D-Day. Joanna and I played some music for a dinner event this week for the families of D-Day veterans. It was a special event, and amazing to see the way sons and daughters and even grandchildren, continue to celebrate this moment in history and honor the part played by their forebearers. There is a sign on the D-Day beach near us that reads “La liberté s’est gagnée ici”. Freedom was won here. It’s our hearts’ desire that this would be true in our lives and in the assignments God has for us. Thank you for praying with us that freedom would be won in every heart here in Normandie. May we celebrate and honor the liberating work of Jesus and walk each moment in the freedom He has won.
Our US Trip
Thank you for praying with us as we traveled to the US for a few weeks back at the beginning of May. We had a wonderful trip! It was amazing that family traveled to see us, and we were able to spend time with each of our parents and siblings. We enjoyed a warm welcome at the Gate Community Church (our sending church) and had a lot of fun sharing stories of how God has been at work at a luncheon the Gate put on for us one Sunday. We also had the chance to share at Pee Dee Baptist Church, where Joanna’s parents attend. There are a few consistent experiences that we are noticing on our visits to the US. There’s something called « reverse culture shock » in which the differences in your home culture surprise you. The size of the water bottles everyone seems to be drinking from got me this time. We also find that the act of sharing what God has been working in and through us on mission is a huge encouragement for us. We’ve come back with renewed energy, reminded of the passion God has given us to join in His redemptive work here in France. We also have the not so nice recurring experience of jet-lag which hits particularly hard when we land back in France! Despite about a week without great sleep, we’ve had a full few weeks since our return.
Local Art Expo
Joanna had the chance to show four paintings as part of her artist’s association’s annual “Salon de Peinture”. Elodie also was able to show some the artwork she has done in her art club this year. Joanna’s paintings sparked a lot of interest and great discussion about faith with people who came to see the works over the two-day event. Perhaps the best moment for Joanna was the deeper conversation she had with several other painters about God while manning the expo. It was one of those moments in which you sense that God is moving. We were also touched that several friends came to show their support. Joanna will be showing four more paintings at a gallery in Paris this July as part of an outreach through the arts during the Paris Olympics.
June - the Month of Music
Playing at the D-Day event kicked off a summer season in which we have several opportunities to play music. We love playing music in our city because in addition to the chance to proclaim the gospel in story and song, we find we have some great conversations and connections with people at these events. Please pray with us about the next two shows for us, at the end of year festival for Elodie and Silas’ school and as part of the Fête de la Musique day on June 21.
UK Trip in July
The school year wraps up for us here around the 4th of July. Soon after that we’ll be ferrying across the channel to visit friends and connect with our UK sending church, Christ Church Chorleywood. We’ll be at all three services on July 7th and there will be a bring and share lunch after the 10:30 service at about 12:15. We would love to see you if you are in the area and are able to come by!
We hope this coming summer is a time of joy and lots of sunshine for you. Thank you for praying with us, and for your support as we seek to walk in obedience to God here in France.