Dear Friends and Family,
I’m writing to you from my desk at home where I have spent much more of my time in the past year than I had imagined I would. Anyone else feeling a little tired for some reason? Here in France we are still under a curfew which means we need to be home before 6pm and places like restaurants and museums are still closed. We tend to vacillate between moments of hope and even enthusiasm about what we see God working in limitation, and times when we are just about fed up with the challenges. We wonder how you are doing. We think about you and pray for you often.
These first couple of months of 2021 have brought some big changes for us in ministry and family life…
A New Leadership Position
In early February, I accepted a new leadership position within our missions agency (Greater Europe Mission) which is a big change for us. The job is ‘Community Director’ and it means I will be leading GEM France on a team with two other directors. This represents a shift in my focus for a significant part of my working hours towards serving the GEM team of missionaries and families who live and work here in France. There is a lot that excites me about this role. Some of the key goals for me are around fostering healthy community/team, moving towards a culture of deeper trust, and supporting missionaries in their efforts to connect with their local community. I’ll be overseeing our France team communications and helping appointees (those who are on their way to serve with our team in France) throughout their journey of preparation, transition and settling.
I’m also excited about this leadership model. This is the first GEM France Leadership Council, in which a team shares the responsibilities of field leadership. I love teams and I’m thrilled to be serving in this important work with Doug Irwin, who is the Ministry Director, and Jenn Williamson, the Partnership Director. Since the responsibilities of the field leader are shared, it allows each of us to remain rooted in local missionary work. I am so thankful to be able to step into a leadership role that feels like the direction the Lord is leading me, while being able to maintain the relationships and amazing work I am privileged to do with our local partner, the Bless Network. Additionally, this leadership position is for a four year term. I love the idea of working to establish a new leadership model and then working to successfully pass the baton of leadership after this season.
This is a big change. If you have any questions about this new role, please contact me! I would value your prayers as I get started with it. Please pray for the adjustment in schedule, for wisdom in knowing what is mine to do and what is not, and for family/work life balance.
New School for the Kids
All four of our amazing children have been attending our local French school since we moved to Benouville. Going to school less than a mile from our front door has been wonderfully convenient and has been a place for us to connect with friends and neighbors. So why a change? We have decided to make a shift to a catholic run school about 10 minutes away because it has greater flexibility in meeting the unique educational needs of our kids. We also have some friends from church who also go to this school who have recommended it to us. After visiting the school and getting to know the principal, the kids are looking forward to the change. We will be making this transition at the beginning of the next school year. Please pray with us as we seek to leave our current school well. Please pray for the kids as they prepare to make a new start next school year.
Delayed Visit to the USA
Some of you know that we were planning to spend a few months in the US this coming summer, traveling around, connecting with friends and family, and sharing in person all that the Lord has been working in and through us here in France. With the continued uncertainty around travel and around our ability to share at public gatherings, we’ve decided to push this time back one year. We’re hoping to be in the US in the summer of 2022.
We are finding ways to celebrate in the midst of this disappointment - we had snow for the first time since moving to Normandy, the kids dressed up for Carnivale, we had a Valentine’s Day party, and the boys’ first sleepover with friends to kick off the February school break.
Financial Update
Some of you have asked about how our financial support is holding up with the economic impact of COVID. We are so thankful to report that while we have had some regular partners need to pause or stop giving as a result of economic challenges, the Lord has provided each month to meet our needs. Also, some have asked if Tom’s new job means a decrease in our need for financial support. No, this role is an increase in responsibility and a great opportunity to serve in a way that fits Tom’s gifts, but it is still a missionary, support-funded role. I suppose you might say it is a promotion without a pay raise!
Additional Prayer Needs
Thank you for praying with us in these strange times. Please let us know how we can pray with you too! A few more requests to add to the above:
Passport Renewal - Our upcoming trip to Paris to renew all four kids’ passports at the embassy. That all would go safely and smoothly.
Mental Health - It is felt strongly here that there is a spirit of depression taking root in France even more in the midst of the pandemic. Please pray for us to cling to the light of Christ and to continue to be light bearers to our friends and neighbors.
Physical Health - Since the beginning of January, 5 out of 6 of us have been battling with a virus (not covid btw!) that has hung on. Silas has continued problems with ear pain and has missed several days of school. Please pray that we can find health in this next season.
Church Planting in Caen - We have started meeting regularly in Caen and broadcasting our services on facebook. We have been working to renovate our meeting space, busting down walls and putting in a new kitchen. Please pray that our church can reach those who need connection during this very isolating time, and that we can bring new people into our church community to know Jesus!
Preparing for Bless Church in Caen
Personal Connection
We would love to connect with you, please let us know if you are interested in a video chat! We know that many of you are experiencing some kind of disruption to normal community and we would love to catch up ‘face to face’. Please let us know if you are interested!