Dear Friends and Family,
My sons and I have just finished reading the gospel of Mark together. We’ve been struck by the way Jesus’ ministry features intense sequences of action punctuated by deliberate times of retreat and prayer. This working/resting, pouring out/refilling model seems so fundamental to our design and God’s purposes for us. Over the past couple of years here in France, the Lord has been leading us into good rhythms of work and rest and we are experiencing the fruit of this in our family life together and our ministry. We enjoyed a quiet family Christmas here in Normandie (complete with a family re-enactment of the Nativity) which was a welcome rest between quite active months in December and January.
Impact through the Art of Hosting
Our Thanksgiving gathering this year was such an encouragement. It was a smaller group of about 20 of us and this meant we were able to go deeper in conversation and relationship. Since our gathering we’ve been able to connect with each of our guests and have significant conversations about life and God.
Hosting is a central part of our way of life as a family on mission which had to be drastically curtailed due to challenges around health. We’re so thankful that since Thanksgiving, we’ve been able to move back into a regular hosting rhythm including a cookie decorating party for some friends of the kids, dinner parties and smaller gatherings. The pace of this has felt good and we’ve been able to make adjustments for when health troubles arise. Thank you for praying that our home would be a peaceful refuge, a place of welcome, and a place where people might encounter Jesus.
Impact Through the Art of Music
Another way we’ve been able to speak about Jesus is in and around music. We loved playing a Christmas show at Elodie’s school’s “Marché de Noël”. This was the first show we’ve played at which we were able to hand out Hometown Tennessee cards which direct people to a website where they can listen to our music. After releasing the album “Les Racines” in late November, we’ve been thrilled by how many people are listening to it! In our first month we had more than 5000 plays on Spotify alone. What we are finding even more exciting are the moments when we get to listen to the songs on this album with not-yet believers and see God shift the topic and timbre of the conversations from collegial banter towards significant, meaningful talk about life and God.
For example, at an end of year party for my badminton club, one of my friends asked if we could play the record. It was a group of about 60 people the vast majority of whom do not have a relationship with Jesus. You can imagine the scene – quite a lot of alcohol, boisterous conversation, and Beyonce pumping out of a large Bluetooth speaker. Then my French friend stands up and tries to get everyone to be quiet and listen to our album. Incredibly, people listened! They loved songs like “La Bénédiction” which is a sung blessing from scripture. I could see that God was moving and the songs gave opportunity for me to share the gospel by simply talking about what we were all listening to.
There is something powerful about having a work of art or song as a focal point for conversation. After listening to the album with not-yet believers it has felt as though we were standing shoulder to shoulder, looking at a work of art and discussing the gospel we see in it. Something about this invites curiosity about God as we together exploring the artwork to find meaning. This makes it feel as if we are on the same team from the beginning. Here's a link to the album:
Training New Musicians in Worship at Bon Berger
We’ve now been worshipping at Bon Berger for about a year. It’s felt like the right moment for me (Tom) to step into a new role with this church plant. I’ll be serving as “résponsable de louange”-(worship director). The hope is to develop new worship leaders and teams to serve the church at Sunday services. There are a few young worshippers who I’m quite keen to release into leadership – our kids! Silas played drums with me and Reuben led vocally a few weeks ago, what a joy.
Reuben’s Health
Thank you for praying with us about our health. Reuben is continuing to struggle with debilitating pain on a regular basis. Some days he is fully himself and feeling fine and other days he is miserable. We are thankful for a number of things in the midst of this. First, that all the medical tests seem to indicate this isn’t anything sinister. Second, that Reuben has been able to get to school on good days in January. This has looked like going a couple of days a week on average. We see reason for hope in that he is able to bounce back from the painful episodes more quickly and seems to be having them less frequently than in the Autumn. Also, we’re so impressed with Reuben’s fortitude in facing this trail. Despite some awful moments, he is trusting God, and his attitude is amazing. Thank you for your continued prayers with us for Reuben.
We are so aware of your care for us and feel acutely your partnership in our lives and work here. Thank you. In all your resting and working, may you know the unforced rhythms of His grace.
Every Blessing,