Because of You, We are Here!

The weather has shifted here in Massy to the autumn, with its cooler breezes and falling leaves. We are excited to be celebrating 6 Months in France (Woohoo!) and we are so grateful for all of you who, through your prayers, giving and support have gotten us to this place and helped us live and thrive here. We have made a short video with the whole family to show our thanks, give you a taste of our town, and talk about what is next for us. Please watch and share!

Points for Prayer:

Refugees in Caen:

Over the summer we visited Caen with our Bless Network friends and we spent some time with some south sudanese refugees who they have been serving. There were about 80 young men living in an abandoned warehouse which was burned down last week. This has displaced many of these men and made it difficult for our friends to find them and help them. Please pray for the refugees to find shelter, food and water. And for the Bless network as they work to help these guys who have lost the very little they were able to bring with them.

Language Acquisition:

We are all in school and things are going well! Our classes are keeping us busy and we are definitely improving in our French! The schedule is quite rigorous though, pray for strength and rest as we continue our season of learning.


We continue to struggle with health, too many days we find ourselves wondering whether someone is well enough to go to school. The trouble is when one kid is sick, Tom or Joanna have to stay home and miss school. I know many families struggle with wellness when their kids are in school, but we are asking for prayer all the same! Especially Eli seems to be sick a lot and since our experience in the hospital, we are reluctant to push him too hard when he is unwell. Prayers would be so appreciated!


We love and miss you all! Please be sure to watch our video! We are grateful for you!


The Appels

Tom, Joanna, Reuben, Eli, Silas, and Elodie

Month Five in France and La Rentrée


Hello Friends!

We cannot believe that we have completed five months of living in France! August has been a very. full. month. for us, which is kind of the opposite of the French way of taking off for four weeks and shutting down to relax! But, c’est la vie! We want to recap briefly the adventures God has had our family on since we last sent out a newsletter, with a load of photos to give you a sense of where we have been! Ready?!? Here we go!

Eli in the Hospital

I hate to start with this one, but it was a big happening that I think we are still processing. Eli had been sick for a few days, but started to show some strange symptoms. We had a home visit from a doctor who encouraged us to take him to the hospital. There, they did a blood test that came back abnormal and then a spinal tap. It turned out that he did not have meningitis but he did have a bad virus. He stayed for about 36 hours and it took him a week to recover after he came home. Thank you all for praying for us during that difficult time!

GEM's Annual Conference

In early August, we traveled to Slovenia to attend Greater Europe Mission’s Annual Conference. It was a time of connection with other missionaries, training and worship as an organization. Our little ones had their own classes and were able to be with other missionary kids (MKs) who spoke English and are going through similar experiences living abroad. We also managed a little time to swim in the Adriatic Sea and watch the sunset over Croatia. It was beautiful!

Bless Network and Caen

Not long after we returned home from Annual Conference, we headed up to Bethanie, near Livarot in Normandie, to be with our friends from the Bless Network for a worship weekend. We went into the city of Caen and spent time with some of the Sudanese refugees there that Bless serves on a weekly basis. We played some music for them and the kids played games with the lads. It was really meaningful to experience family ministry in this context (see photos). We also led worship for the church that meets at Bethanie alongside the Halls, a family from the Gate Community Church in Nashville who came to visit us and minister with us during the month of August!

Messenger Fellowship and Potential

After we returned from Normandie, Tom went to be a part of Potential, a youth camp (15-35 year olds are considered youth in France!). This conference is through our connection with Jonathan Manou, a French pastor who is with Messenger Fellowship. Tom taught, with a translator ;), helped lead worship, and prayed for young people there. It was a full time for him, a lot of French, and the Lord was moving powerfully in these young French people!

Small Holiday and Birthdays

We were able to squeeze in a 3 day break in Brittany at a campsite near St. Malo. We took the kids to the sea, swam in the pool (even though we had many chattering teeth since it was pretty wet and chilly!), and we visited the medieval walled city of St. Malo. We took a small day trip and saw the abbey at the top of Mont Saint Michel. We celebrated Silas’ 4th birthday when we were at Bethanie and Elodie’s 1st birthday when we were in St. Malo. Somehow, the kids’ first birthdays abroad feel very significant and important to make special, which we did with cake pops, balloons, signs, and singing! We got back the four days ago, the day before school started!

La Rentrée


This is the name for “back to school” in France, literally meaning “re-entry”. Monday marked the beginning of a new season for us where everyone in our family will be in school! Everyday, Reuben, Eli and Silas will be attending pre-school, called maternelle, much like last spring, only this year they will stay through lunchtime. They will have long days, 8:30am to 4pm, four days a week, with Wednesday being a half day. It was great to bring them back to a familiar place and have mostly the same teachers and students at the school. We had a great first day with them!

Tom and Joanna are BOTH going to language school now which is a big shift. Elodie will be in the nursery at Les Cèdres everyday while we attend classes. We are excited to focus on learning French as a family this Fall!

Prayers and Thanksgiving

Thank you all for your prayers and your continued support of us as we pursue this calling to minister in France. There is so much more we could say about all the things we have touched on in this email, but we wanted you to be able to read it and not sit down to a novel! Please contact us if you would like to know more specific details about anything we are up to - we’d love to Skype, Whatsapp, Facetime, email, call, or send communicate with you all that God is doing here in France. We would also love to know how to better pray with you!

Prayer Points:

Protection against spiritual attack - we had a good first day at school, but the following days have been difficult with lots of crying, nosebleeds, and Silas threw up today and is running a fever. We have had so much, we are hoping and believing for a season of health for our family, but the enemy knows illness is the way to get us down!

School and new rhythms - we are doing something entirely new all being out of the house at school and it is a big shift with lots of growing pains. Pray for us to have grace and adjust quickly to this new season.

Rest and refreshing - we are coming into the year quite tired from the last five months, and our not-super-restful summer holiday. Also, five months is about when you hit the bottom point in the culture shock wave. Pray that we can set good boundaries for ourselves and the kids, not overwork ourselves and breathe a little!


Merci mille fois! (thank you a thousand times over!) We love and miss you, our family, friends and partners. Be blessed!

Love, The Appels


Three Months in France!

We hope all our American friends and family enjoyed a happy Independence Day, and many thanks to our British friends for allowing our little experiment in democracy so many years ago :). We have officially been in France for three months now! Thank you so much for praying with us during this landing time! Our first three months have been tough in many ways, most particularly with sickness. But, little by little, we are starting to find our feet.

Last week we were able to purchase a car and that helps us feel more free to explore and makes basic tasks—like getting groceries—a lot easier! The language is coming along nicely for Tom. He’s surprised by how much he can understand already and is able to have simple conversations with French neighbors. This past week we’ve noticed our sons greeting their classmates and teachers in French and beginning to communicate. We were also surprised to see some little French girls running over to “faire les bises” (give a kiss) to Reuben...he took it in stride. 

Making New Friends

A highlight of the past month has been seeing the beginnings of relationships with French friends. Joanna has been meeting weekly to practice French with a friend from church. There are three young men that are interested in meeting and speaking with Tom here in Massy. It is a joy to see relationships beginning with our neighbors! We are also so grateful to have met 'M', a fellow Christian who has been incredibly helpful in getting us set up here in France. I (Tom) met M during the long and frustrating process of trying to open a French bank account.

After more than a month of being stonewalled at the bank where new language students typically open accounts, a friend and I decided to walk around to all the banks in town in search of someone who might be more willing to help. This was a long shot as new banking regulation has made it more onerous for French bankers to work with Americans and they are under no obligation to help. We prayed about where to go first and decided to try the BNP Paribas location in the centre ville. With the typical bit of anxiety that comes right before attempting a new conversation in a foreign language, I approached the reception desk and said: “Bonjour Monsieur, Est-ce qu’il ya une personne ici qui parle Anglais?”  “Oui”, replied the man behind the counter, “how can I help you?”.  Amazing we found an English speaker!

We told him we wanted to open an account and he asked to see our documents (proof of residency, paying taxes, birth certificates for everyone, a detailed list of all the items in your kitchen…there is a lot of paperwork in France). He noticed the letter from our Christian language school and asked “Are you Christian boys?”—Oh great, we thought, on to the next bank—“Yes, we are”. “I am a Christian boy too, let’s make an appointment to set up your accounts”.  Since then we’ve learned that M is a member of a New Frontiers church in Paris. After helping us open an account, he took an evening to go car shopping with Tom and even helped with the negotiations in French. Praise God for putting people in our path to come alongside us in this journey!

Out and About in France


A little over a month ago, we went to visit Angers! It was wonderful to be in the city that we feel called to be in someday. We had a real sense of joy and anticipation when we arrived. We visited the center of town and the Saturday market. Pretty quickly though each one of us started to be hit by sickness made more complicated by the severe heat. Joanna and Reuben spent the whole first day in bed ill. The nights were miserable with Reuben throwing up, Elodie crying, and Silas having night terrors. The weekend ended with a trip to the hospital in Angers for Reuben, catching the train back to Massy, and then taking Silas to a hospital near us that same night. With the piling on, we knew that the enemy was at work in attacking our family. We are thankful for all of you who prayed prayers of intercession on our behalf! Even with all the sickness we did a small prayer walk as a family and prayed by the Chateau. Eli and Joanna were able to take a walk and pray in the cathedral.

Normandie: Caen 

Last weekend, we made our first little car trip to Normandie to join in some of the activities with the Bless Network Bootcamp. We spent a little time in the city of Caen, visiting the chateau, the cathedral, and Keys & Co, a coffee house cafe started by two christian ladies, mom and daughter, who are a part of the Bless Network. Keys & Co was just a dream on the horizon when we visited for our vision trip a year and a half ago, still waiting to obtaining a lease for the space. Now it has been voted one of the best places in Normandie! The boys have declared it is their favorite restaurant in France, probably because they serve American-style pancakes. We also took the kids to see the beach but it was so cold and windy we did not stay more than five minutes.

A little sample of the bi-lingual preaching at Bless from Elodie's perspective!

Bless Bootcamp

On Sunday, We were at Bethanie, an old cider farm turned ministry center and the base for the Bless Network located near the small town of Livarot. Tom and I were privileged to lead worship at the Bless church gathering and the opening service for their two week boot camp. It was the first time we have gotten to lead worship bi-lingually together! We loved it! We enjoyed great fellowship with the church and our kids had so much fun playing outside in the rural setting.

Prayer Points

Life has been pretty full on so we have missed our usual prayer letter rhythm, instead sending our requests for prayer mostly via our secret Facebook group (email us to join!) in the midst of all the sicknesses that have hit. We are thankful to have found a doctor whose office is across the street and a pharmacist who is two doors down from her. It is very easy to get the kids seen to when they are sick—what a blessing!

Please Pray for:

  • Homelife - the kids have been adjusting to school well, but we are also seeing some influence from the culture on them, plus the adjustment to France is taking its toll. Attitudes have been fragile and difficult. We are hoping to have these next two months while the kids are at home to re-establish some peace and security in the Lord before they start into school again in September.
  • Health - obviously, we have been struck with a number of illnesses which is adjustment to a new environment, but also attack from the enemy. Tom and I are very fatigued from all of it so please pray that we can be more healthy going forward and for less illnesses!
  • French - we are improving our French, and it has its up and downs. Please pray that we continue to learn and have opportunities to practice with French people.
  • August Events - we are traveling to GEM’s annual conference at the beginning of August, visiting Bless in Normandie in mid-august, and participating in a Messenger Fellowship conference for young people (aged 16-35) near Paris in late august. Pray as we prepare!

Thank you all for being with us! We love you and are praying for you! Please let us know if there is anything we can be praying for in YOUR life.

Much Love,

The Appels

Months of Transition: All the newsletters!

So much has happened in these months, and these four faces and ugly sofa sum it up perfectly!

So much has happened in these months, and these four faces and ugly sofa sum it up perfectly!

Things were pretty crazy from November until now with a new baby, the Bisous Fund, Christmas, moving from Nashville, injury, training, nomadic living until we eventually arrived in France! We managed to put out newsletters, but not update the blog. For expediency, I have placed the links to our newsletters below if you would like to see what happened as we prepared for and made our overseas move. When I have time I will upload them as full beautiful blog posts, but that is for another day! Blessings all!

Appels IN France: Month One

We Made It to France!

Celebrate with Us: We leave in 3 Days!!

One Month and Counting...

Appels on the Move

We Are Nearly There!

Come on, Let's Celebrate!

Three Days Left of the Bisous Fund



Joyeux Automne! (Happy Fall!)

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since our vision trip to France! So much has happened and we have much to be grateful for, in particular, YOU! who have been with us on this journey for sometime now! We are eager to get back to France and begin the work that we believe God has called us to do there and we are happy to say that every day we are getting closer to making that a reality.

November 1st is coming!

We are praying and working hard to reach the 80% mark of our needed monthly budget by November 1st! We are still looking for monthly or annual partners to help us make this goal. If you would like to become a partner, visit our partner page!


In November, we are launching an exciting Kickstarter-like campaign to raise a portion of our launch funds for France! If you aren’t familiar with this type of crowdfunding website, basically there are levels of gifts to help reach the fundraising goal. Each level has certain "rewards" associated with it, anything from a virtual high-five to a handmade guitar! As you know, art and music are playing a key role in our ministry in France. So, we have decided that for some of these "rewards" we would include some items that artists, including ourselves, have created and donated to help launch us. If you are a professional artist, musician or know of someone who would be willing to donate an item or items to help support this campaign, please email Joanna to talk about becoming a p-ART-ner (cheesy, I know, but it works!) We already have some great items on this list and are excited to share them with you in a few weeks time!

Two Partner Churches!

We were very pleased to learn this month that two churches have officially decided to make us mission partners—the Gate Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee, and Christ Church Chorleywood, in the UK. The Gate is a place where we have served as house church leaders and found community while we have been in and out of Nashville over the past decade. It is also the home base for the Messenger Fellowship network with which we hope to work with when we are in France. Convenient how God does that, huh? ;) Christ Church Chorleywood is a church where Tom served as the Youth Leader during our time in England and a place where we were released in many ministries as young twenty-somethings. Both churches have been hugely formational in our development and we are so blessed to have their support as we head to France. Praise Jesus!

Trip to Dover, DE

Tom will be jetting off to Dover—the city where he spent most of his youth—the weekend of December 4th. He will be sharing and helping to lead worship at Grace Church. If you are in the Delaware area and would like to connect, please email Tom! He would love to see you!

Autumn is a time where we think about the harvest and are grateful. We are certainly grateful for all of you! Praying peace and blessings on you and yours!

Video Update from The Appels

We made a little video update along with some French Lessons from the Appel Boys!

Prayer Points

Thank you for praying for us! Here are somethings that we would love for you to keep in your prayers over the next few weeks.

  • Pray for the development of church partnerships. We are currently in process with two churches that will be making important decisions this month about partnership. We are also looking for more congregations who might feel led to partner with us in ministering to France.
  • Pray for our family health. We feel like God is calling our family to rest, heal, and strengthen as we prepare to go to the field. We also are praying for continued health in Joanna's pregnancy as we get ready to become a family of six!
  • Pray for France. We are burdened for the people of France to know Jesus. Pray for the strengthening of the church and the ministers already hard at work in France. Pray that people would continue to be open to the message of love and hope that Christ brings to all.

New Seasons

Bonjour Nos Amis!

We hope that you are having a lovely spring and getting ready for all the summertime fun coming soon! As we exchange our boots for flip flops, you may have heard that we are exchanging our trucks and superhero gear for ribbons and bows with the news that we are expecting a little GIRL in September! We are in a bit of shock and feeling out our depth after living in boy-land for so long, but we are so grateful that God is bringing something completely new to our family! What a ride!


ALSO—with a whole lot of “YAY!” in our hearts—we are within reach of Tom completing his Masters of Divinity! He will be in Indiana these next two weeks taking his final intensive course. When he comes home, HE IS DONE! This is thrilling for us as he has worked so hard for four and a half years, whilst working a full time job, growing our family by three and a half, and moving four times. All we can say is we have a superhero in our family! We are so proud of him for this big accomplishment and, at the same time, so very happy to see the end of seminary!

Finding Ministry Partners

This new season for us is one of focused fundraising to get us to the field in France (there’s some alliteration for you!). We are planning to fill our days and nights with phone calls, meetings, Skype chats, presentations and concerts - basically doing all we can follow this calling to France quickly. We have never been so excited to be so busy! We are eager to partner with God in what He is already doing in France. We are feeling such peace in our calling to go and in simply seeking out the people God will stir and call to partner with us financially. We are taking a trip to South Carolina via Atlanta in June and have a few other things in the pipeline too! We are so grateful to already have 36 families and individuals who have started partnering with us! Thanks folks, this means we are at 27% of our needed monthly partnerships. We are in need of both one-time gifts, which build up our launch funds (visas, plane tickets, set up costs, language school etc.) AND monthly partnerships which sustain the work we will be doing in France and will keep us there! If you would like to meet with us or simply are ready to partner now, please visit our Partner page by clicking the button below:

God is on the move in Europe!

Even though we are not yet in the field, we are excited to share some of the news from GEM and the Bless Network, who are sharing the love of Jesus to those who are suffering in the Refugee Crisis. 

Photo: International Business Times

Photo: International Business Times

GEM Refuge, an initiative through our sending agency, Greater Europe Mission, has teams on the ground in Lesvos, Greece, working with the refugees who have made the treacherous journey across the sea in hopes of a life of peace. Visit this site: and see how the love of Jesus is impacting these who are in need of hope through GEM missionaries!

S.O.S Chai - Bless Network

The Bless Network, based outside of Caen in Normandy (which we visited when we were in Europe in October), has recently acquired an old ambulance and transformed it into a tea truck with the purpose of serving the refugees living in "The Jungle"—a large refugee camp in Calais, on the North coast of France. We love their heart and creativity in finding a way to serve. Here is a blog post about their latest trip to The Jungle:

Thank you for reading and journeying with us. We are grateful for you and hold you in our prayers!

Á la prochaine! (until next time!)

The Appels
Tom, Joanna, Reuben, Eli, Silas, and Baby Girl

Appel Update 🍎🍎🍎+🍎

Our March Mayhem

As many of you know, we moved to Nashville in mid-March in order to engage with several churches and our established networks more readily before we go to France. The first rental we moved into turned out to have some major issues and after a week of hard work and heavy prayer, we decided that we needed to move out. Thankfully, we have generous friends who were willing to house a displaced family of five for a week while we found a new place to live! We were able to quickly find a rental south of the city that was a manageable in price for us and CLEAN! We have been here two weeks now and are just starting to get rid of the boxes and come up for air. So we apologize if we have been uncommunicative or MIA for a while but this has demanded all of our focus and energy the for the past month! This has been a period of many transitions, disappointments, pests and mold, but also there have been so many times where God has shown himself faithful and that He has gone before us in this process. We are grateful in the midst of our weariness.

Another Blessing!!!!

We are looking forward to this next season of strengthening our family, training for the field and fundraising. There is much to do to prepare for a move cross-culturally not to mention we are expecting to add another little one to our family come September! Jo is 18 weeks pregnant! We are excited to have a growing family and to be able to have this baby whilst still stateside and amongst family and close friends—not to mention English speaking medical care! We believe in God's perfect timing and are confident that we can still meet our goal of heading to France by the end of this year, with four little ones in tow! 


We know that you have all kinds of plates spinning in the air, balls that you are juggling and simply “life” that fills up your time and zaps your energy.We appreciate your prayers and your support for us as we have dealt with “life” these past few weeks and months. We look forward to the time when we can speak to you in person and thank you for all the prayers that you have lifted up on our behalf. Prayer has carried us through a very difficult time and we are grateful to you for included us in yours!

Light Breaking Through, Angers

Light Breaking Through, Angers

Prayer Needs

  • Tom, as he has a month and a half left of seminary and it is a doozy! Finishing up six courses in that time with epic final papers and portfolios before graduation is no small task. Please pray for endurance, for blessed writing, and peace as he completes this important degree.
  • Joanna, as she watches the boys in Tom’s absence and continues to settle into our temporary home. Also pray for times of rest for her in the second half of her pregnancy.
  • The Boys, as they handle the many transitions we have had and that they can find a sense of rhythm quickly.
  • The Baby, as it grows, for health, strength and peace.
  • France. The attacks in Belgium happened in the midst of our moves and we have been devastated by yet another attack on innocent Europeans. We feel even more urgency to get over there to help spread the Gospel of Peace and the message of Jesus’ love, hope and redemption. Pray for peace, for God’s light to shine in the darkness, and for hope for the hopeless in France.

Love and Grace and Peace to you all,

The Appels
Tom, Joanna, Reuben, Eli, Silas and Baby Appel #4

Moving to Nashville

Au Revior Texas!

We are saying “Goodbye” to our current home with Tom’s folks in Keller, Texas this week and looking at our final stateside move before we head to France! Woot! The time here with close family and new friends has been sweet and also a welcomed rest with grandparents to help with the our rambunctious boys.

Bonjour Nashville!

We are excited to be moving back to our “hometown” of Nashville, Tennessee! It is the city where we went to University, where Tom and I got married, and where the twins were born—needless to say, it is a very special place for us. Not only are there some tremendous memories and familiarity with the city, it is a place where we have some roots! If you are a Nashvillian friend and would like to get together, please let us know!

Partnership Update

We are thrilled to have more people joining us in ministry to France this month! Thank you so much to those of you who have already begun to partner with us financially. We are approaching 20% committed of our monthly funds! We have been meeting frequently with people over the past few months via Skype or Facetime and it has been great to reconnect and see your faces! We were blessed by the opportunity to lead worship and speak briefly about what God is doing in France to our church in Texas, Vineyard of Grace, a couple weeks ago. When we move to Nashville, we are going to be engaging a great deal with The Gate Community Church, with whom we have a long standing relationship. Additionally we have a widespread network of friends and churches in the middle Tennessee area. We are looking forward to engaging in person in this part of the US over the coming months as we work towards our goal to be fully funded by the end of 2016.

Bar Du Centre, Angers

Bar Du Centre, Angers

Prayer is Urgent

  • In the city of Angers, where we will be located, there are currently only seven protestant churches for a population of 500,000. Less than one quarter of one percent of the population is an active member in one of the seven churches, that is one for every 1,250 people! Pray that God’s light would shine through these people who are currently living for Jesus in this city!
  • Tom is approaching the halfway point in his final semester of seminary and it is a very heavy course load. Pray for endurance and peace for him as he continues his studies.
  • We are moving in two days! (March 10 and 11) and getting settled in our new home the week following. Please pray for our family, for safety in our travels and moments of rest in the midst of a big transition.

We are so grateful for you and want thank you for all your support! We look forward to seeing all the amazing things God is going to do over the next few months. 

Love and Grace and Peace to you all,

The Appels

Life In Between

Bonjour Friends! We are trying to get healthy again down here in Texas after being hit with a brutal cold virus! Thank you for praying for us! Tom has started his final semester in seminary to complete his Masters of Divinity and he spent the first two weeks of the year in Indiana studying Interfaith Dialogue. He will be traveling back there periodically over the next few months. We are full swing into our fund raising for the field and are excited to share what God is doing!

God at Work Now

We are grateful in this time of living in-between the call and the country, that God is moving in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We have had the privilege to lead worship a few times at Vineyard of Grace church here in Keller, the boys have memorized the Lord’s Prayer and Joanna was given the opportunity to lead a co-worker at Starbucks to Christ just before Christmas!
We were reading through our journals from our vision trip to France and were struck with the way God was breaking our hearts for the people while we were there in person. Life and ministry can seem simply hypothetical when we are so distant from the mission field. We are thousands of miles away from French soil and months away from being there ourselves, but we don’t want that to diminish the sense of urgency we feel for the people of France to hear about the love of Jesus. The front page of our website says, “The hope for this nation is Jesus”. France is in such dire need of hope and we are eager to move there to be lights in a dark place!

La Rochelle, France (West Coast)

La Rochelle, France (West Coast)

The Road to France

To that end, we began to invite financial partnership in earnest in mid-December and we are excited to report that we have reached 15% of our needed monthly support already! Thank you to those of you have already begun to partner with us financially, we are blessed by you! Our method for fundraising is to meet with people, either face-to-face or computer-screen-to-computer-screen, to see if God is stirring individuals to become partners in God’s ministry to France through our family. We are blessed to have a long list of friends that we get to contact, making phone calls and setting up dates during nap times and after the boys go to bed. It has been wonderful to connect with everyone so far and we are looking forward to speaking to more of you in the coming weeks and months.

If God is stirring your heart to support us financially NOW, then please contact us right away! No seriously, click the button below right now! We will set up a time as soon as possible to share with you what God is doing in France and how you can join us!

Prayer Points

-Tom, in full-FULL time seminary this semester (taking 7 classes!)

-Our family, as we live in this time of transition

-Our upcoming move to Nashville, more to come on this - we are so excited to be back in our “home town” and to engage with our long time church family at The Gate Community Church

-GEM France Team, as they engage with new believers and the lost across France and for the GEM Refuge project that focuses on serving those in the middle of the refugee crisis in Europe.

Love and Grace and Peace to you all,

The Appels