Great is thy Faithfulness

Dear Friends,

We hope you are well and enjoying the early Spring. We have blossoms on the apple trees here in Normandie to brighten up the frequent rainy days. It’s been an exciting and full month or so; here’s what’s been going on.

Onelife Young Leaders Conference

In February, Tom took our twins to a Christian youth conference in London. It was an amazing experience. Reuben and Eli both took big steps forward in their faith and confidence both as followers of Jesus and as young leaders. As we had prayed, it was a significant moment for them. It was also a huge encouragement to be taking our oldest sons to a youth conference that we helped to launch nearly two decades ago. What was at that time a way to encourage and build up young leaders at an annual conference has grown into a fully-fledged charity, Onelife, with year-round resourcing and resounding impact in the lives of young people. It was amazing to see the way God has been at work over the years and deeply meaningful to have the privilege of seeing the fruit He has brought from those early seeds. At the conference, Tom connected with old friends and had the sweet experience of catching up with someone who had been in our youth group in 2006 and who was now, as an adult, bringing other youth to the conference from their own youth group. The theme of the conference was God’s faithfulness – how very appropriate.

Joanna’s Atelier

The Lord continues to grow Joanna as a painter and visual artist. There have been several exciting opportunities for her to create artwork which proclaims the good news of Christ’s kingdom. She has just competed a commissioned work for our mission’s agency called “Awaken / Reveillé”. This painting is going to be part of an event called, “New Life for the Old World”, which communicates the opportunity and need for the gospel in Europe.

She has also submitted some art work for an exhibition in Paris which will take place during the Summer Olympics. This is in partnership with a Christian run gallery, Agapé Hub, in the heart of the city. This exhibition has the potential to connect with substantial numbers of people. As part of this outreach, Joanna would travel to Paris to be at the exhibition for a few days during the Olympic Games to speak about the artwork with people who visit the gallery.

It is encouraging to see the path God is making for Joanna to develop more and more artistically especially as this medium is a perfect fit for connecting in French culture. She has just put up a portfolio on our website. Check it out here:

Hosting, Art and Music

It has been an especially full season of hosting and visiting ministry. We mentioned in our emails about Thanksgiving that we are praying to see increase in this aspect of our ministry – and this is happening! It’s exciting to have times of prayer and deep connection with friends and neighbors. Often this is happening around or after an excellent meal at our table. We’re noticing more and more the importance of art and music in our hospitality ministry. It is often a moment with some of Joanna’s paintings that seem to change the timbre of the conversation, drawing us towards deeper things. Similarly, when we get out some instruments and share a song or sing something all together, it feels like there is a change in the atmosphere and we easily move into different level conversations. Thanks for praying with us in this. Though we are feeling a bit tired, we are thankful for answers to prayer and hopeful about seeing some of our amazing neighbours and friends draw nearer to God.

Deepening French Connections

Another clear answer to prayer for us has been in the increase we’ve seen in these first few months of 2024 in our opportunities for ministry with French partners. Tom has been loving the Alpha course which he is doing in partnership with the local Catholic church. These weekly gatherings for people wanting to know more about God from a Christian perspective have been so exciting. Most of the time, disciple making in France moves at a slow pace (and that’s ok!). In this Alpha course, I’m so thankful to be seeing moments of transformation nearly every week! This weekend I’ll be going away for a couple of days for the Alpha Weekend away. This is usually a significant time and I’m praying that there will be some in the group who make a decision to follow Jesus and receive His gift of salvation.

We’re also thankful for the growing relationships we have with Bon Berger, the French church plant where we are worshiping on Sundays. We are missing our friends at Bless church, but still confident that the move to a French led and entirely French language church is the right one. Please pray with us as we discern how involved to be in ministry with Bon Berger. I believe there will soon be opportunity for us to step into some leadership roles, but we want to move slowly and make sure we’re hearing the Lord clearly about what is ours to do.

We are thankful for your on going prayer and financial support. We pray that you would know the love and peace of Jesus each day. Sending love,

The Appels